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3 Women's health issues reflexology can help with

We all know that reflexology is proven to help with many different ailments. However, did you know it can also support your body with some common women's health problems we often struggle with?

Menopause & Perimenopause

Reflexology is a great therapy in helping to support you through your menopausal journey. Studies have shown that reflexology can be very effective in helping to reduce many symptoms experienced in women during this stage within their life. Moreover, this treatment is fantastic in bringing your body back into balance as often we don’t feel ourselves during this time due to all of the hormonal changes that are taking place within our bodies. 

Menopause is a natural women's health process that happens when your ovaries stop producing eggs. This can happen anywhere between the ages of 40 and 55, and it's normal to feel upset when you're going through menopause. Symptoms can include hot flushes, night sweats and low moods.

Symptoms include hot flushes, night sweats and low moods. If you're feeling sad or anxious about the menopause, here are some things that we find helpful which are great for you to do outside of our treatment room in between your reflexology sessions to help you feel your best:

  • A healthy lifestyle including regular exercise (ideally 45 minutes of moderate intensity at least three times per week) can help with symptoms such as fatigue.
  • Reducing stress levels by getting enough sleep will also help reduce symptoms such as insomnia and low energy levels. As well as being a great way to destress, yoga has been shown to improve quality of life during perimenopause – due in part because it encourages relaxation techniques like deep breathing which promotes better sleep patterns without medication!

PMS & Cramps

PMS is a common disorder that affects many women all over the world. It is characterised by a variety of symptoms, including irritability, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches and mood swings. It’s important to get help for PMS as soon as possible because it can be very painful – not only physically but also mentally.

In addition to acupuncture sessions or massages that may also help relieve these symptoms if done regularly, reflexology can be an excellent alternative treatment option for managing PMS & cramps. This is because it involves working over a lot of pressure points on the feet that correspond with organs in the body such as ovaries, uterus, liver, kidneys etc. This type of pressure point work helps stimulate blood flow into certain areas in order to release tension which can reduce pain caused by conditions like endometriosis (uterine tissue growth outside uterus).

Stress & Fatigue

Reflexology can help with stress and fatigue by stimulating the corresponding pressure points on your feet. These reflex areas are connected to specific organs, glands, and nervous system pathways. When stimulated by a reflexologist's fingers or thumb, they send signals to the body that relax muscles in other parts of the body and stimulate nerve endings that prevent pain signals from reaching their destination.

When you're feeling stressed out or fatigued, it's important not just to relax while receiving treatment but also during your daily activities — especially if you have high blood pressure.

Learn what steps you can take at home so that when you come in for a session with us at our studio, we can work together toward reducing your overall stress levels!

Reflexology can help improve women's health

Reflexology is a natural therapy that works with the nervous system to treat a wide range of women's health conditions, including menopause, menstrual cycle, PMS and cramps, stress and fatigue.

Reflexology can help improve your hormonal health & overall well-being:

  • It's a safe and effective treatment for many conditions that are not responding to conventional medicine or surgery.
  • It helps alleviate symptoms such as headaches or migraines.
  • It improves sleep habits by reducing anxiety levels so you feel less stressed overall throughout the day—which in turn leads to better night's sleep & therefore increased energy levels!

Reflexology is an effective way to improve your health. It helps with stress, fatigue, PMS and cramps, menopause and perimenopause, and so much more! So if you are looking for a natural solution that won't require taking medication or spending money on expensive medical procedures then this may be just what you need.

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