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New Year Reflections and Intentions

Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you’ve had a lovely time over the holidays and that you’ve managed to take time out to rest and recharge. After the madness of December, I love the start of the new year and all of its possibilities. It’s a perfect time to just pause and catch up with yourself.

I always use the first few days of the new year to get myself set up for the year ahead.  I make my favourite coffee, get my fresh new paper diary and journal out and reflect on how the year before went, what went well, what didn’t and most importantly what I want to bring from the last year into this new year with me. I like to look at all areas of my work and life not just focus in on one area alone.

However, January has always been a month that I like to concentrate on improving my health and wellbeing. So I like to create new intentions around how I will make that happen.

January still has the cold weather, the short days and dark nights, so I like to use this time to coorie in and create some self-care rituals for myself throughout the month such as long hot baths, indulging in some beautiful facial masks whilst reading a new novel or taking up a new hobby.

I’m not sure about you but I always find life so busy no matter how hard I try to slow down, so January is always a month that is a fantastic way for me to catch up on all those books and shows I’ve wanted to indulge in and not had the time to do over the previous year. Let me know your best book and TV recommendations from last year – as over the next few days you’ll find me cosied up under a blanket catching up on all the box sets I’ve missed!

This year I’ve signed up to start a beginner’s course of Pilates and I’m so excited to learn new ways in which to strengthen my body whilst taking some time out for myself also.

I don’t like to make resolutions anymore instead I look for things to do that will fill me with joy and make me feel good without the pressure of feeling like I’ve failed at something if I’ve not stuck to a crazy new routine or diet.

By adding in small things that make me feel great I’m much more likely to be consistent with them.

Reflexology is something that brings me so much joy and I’m so excited to explore new techniques and practices with it this year as I did last year at the AOR’s conference. I have lots of exciting plans that I want to develop over this next year with ABWR and our team.

Is there anything you'd like to see us do in the new year? Do you set any intentions for yourself? What are your hopes for 2025? We’d love to know!

Thank you so much for being on this journey with me and all of the team here at ABWR – we’re excited to see you all back in the treatment room when we reopen for 2025.

We can’t wait for the year ahead!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year & we hope it brings you everything you are wishing for it!

Much Love,

Shona x

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