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Easing Back into Your Routine After the New Year

The festive season has wrapped up and it’s time to get settled back into your regular routine after the new year. But, how are you feeling about it? Excited? Or maybe a mixture of emotions. Perhaps you feel apprehensive? Overwhelmed? Not sure where to start? Instead of jumping straight back in, why not try a more thoughtful and steady approach to ease back in?

Focusing on important areas

Start by being a bit easier on yourself and acknowledge that it’s absolutely fine to take things slow. We are all about team slow here at ABWR! Try gradually reintroducing elements of your routine rather than trying to do everything all at once. A great place to start is by making a list of any tasks or responsibilities which need you and your focus. Prioritise tasks that are both urgent and important, but make sure you’re realistic about what you can get done.

Set some time aside some time for this planning – even just a few minutes at the start of the week will make everything feel much more structured and less chaotic. I’d also recommend breaking your tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. This will help to make them less daunting and overwhelming.

Balancing work and personal life

Balancing your work and personal life can be challenging, especially if you have children, pets, other family members to care for and so on, but getting a good balance is so beneficial for your well-being.

Maybe have a think about setting some clear boundaries both at work and at home. This could look like deciding on specific work hours and sticking to them. It allows you to not only maintain a structure to your day but also stops work from spilling into your personal time.

Taking regular breaks during work is just as important. Frequent breaks from your screen can help you stay productive but also keep stress levels low. Try taking a short walk or reading a chapter of a good book during your break. If you’re finding you either take work home, or stay late at the office and can’t find the time to take your breaks, now would be a really good time to check in with a manager to speak about it. And if you are the manager, then it’s definitely a good time to check in with yourself and start thinking about how you can set an example for your employees.

Adding reflexology and massage into your routine

If the start of the year and thought of your routine makes you feel tense or stressed, then adding a holistic treatment like reflexology or massage can work wonders. Reflexology is a therapy that applies gentle pressure to your feet or hands. It aims to bring about a state of relaxation and help the body's own healing process.

Swedish massage therapy is perfect for releasing those knots and tight muscles that often come with stress. A massage improves circulation, encourages relaxation and can even boost your mood… exactly what you need after a busy new year!

Why not book yourself a session as a treat for getting through 2024 and getting back to your routine? A little bit of self-care is not selfish and it’ll make your return to your routine far less stressful. Plus, it's the perfect way to show yourself some kindness.

Above all, be gentle with yourself this January. It's normal to need a little more time to adjust after the busy festive season. Celebrate your wins, big and small, and remember that each task completed is progress forward. With a more thoughtful and planned approach, and a bit of self-kindness, you'll find your rhythm again and ease back into your routine in no time.

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