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AB Wellness & Reflexology 2023 End Of Year Review

Is it really only a few days left until 2024? I’m not sure about you, but I feel this year has just gone by in a flash; as the saying goes “Time flies, when you’re having fun” - Albert Einstein.

And what fun we’ve been having this year at team ABWR!

There have been some really incredible moments, so go grab that coffee or glass of fizz since it’s the holidays while I chat all about it with you.

The year started off well with me travelling down to London with some friends to see Roxie Nafousi at Alexandra Palace.  This was the second time I’ve seen her live as I find her so inspiring and motivational, which always leaves me feeling amazing and full of ideas for my own personal growth and that of abwr. I love her Manifest books and I’m a big believer in positive thinking, habits and actions.  So, it was great to meet her again in person at the event along with the Dirtea Founders and Wade Briggs.

It was also a great opportunity to explore wellness brands, wellbeing spaces in the city, and see what’s new - as all the latest trends normally start here! As I’m always looking at new ways to enhance your experience at ABWR even more and wanting to learn more ways in which I can enhance my own wellbeing also.

Later in March, we launched our weekly wellness newsletters and our “Touchpoint” Blog page.  This was something that I’d wanted to introduce since starting ABWR as I’m so passionate about sharing the benefits of reflexology and other wellness practices. My wish was for them both to be a great source of inspiration to support you all in creating a life of greater health and happiness for yourselves. Alongside, it being a way to connect more with all of my clients, customers and followers. It’s also brought about so many opportunities and collaborations with others within the wellness community, which has been an absolute joy! I’m so very thankful to all who’ve contributed to our blogs! I’ve loved reading them all and it’s been so nice to hear what you’ve enjoyed the most from them each week and how it's made a difference to your daily wellbeing practices.

March also saw one of my proudest moments of this year which was the most beautiful feature written within Society magazine about me as a reflexologist and the brand that I’m building with ABWR. It was great to be able to share my story and my future vision and I was blown away with what lovely words were written by journalist, Ellie House.

I’m very lucky that so many of my clients refer me time and time again. This is something I'm most appreciative of! Word of mouth has meant that I've had clients travel from as far north as Inverness, west as Royal Deeside and south as Dundee to come and receive a reflexology session with me here in Chapelton! I've also had clients travel from other countries to have a treatment with me whilst they are visiting family and friends, here in Scotland. This has just amazed me and I’m so thankful to each and every one of you who takes the time to tell people about your experience with me and how much you’ve loved your reflexology sessions! I’m forever thankful!

May, saw the first of the Chapelton farmers markets for the year.  These are always so much fun as it's an open day for our wellness space where you can come in to chat with us and ask us anything about our therapies; whilst seeing our cosy treatment room and being able to browse all our wellness products in store, that’ve been carefully curated with you in mind.

It was also our first collaboration with Chapelton Community Association, where I went along and spoke to their over 60’s group about Reflexology.  This was the most amazing night, and everyone was so warm and welcoming to me. 

In June, my sister got married in the stunning location of Oludeniz, Turkey. It was such a magical day, and she was the most beautiful bride. It was so lovely for us all to relax in the sun and spend time together before the big day and afterwards too! I also had my first experience of a Turkish Bath, a traditional spa experience, that I can’t recommend enough! It left me feeling so relaxed and rejuvenated. Do you like to try out different spas and therapies when abroad? If not, I would definitely suggest giving it a try! I love seeking out new approaches and techniques and it was great to have some reflexology done also as part of the Turkish Bath package that I chose.

We then celebrated our first anniversary in Chapelton at the end of July with the beautiful Jess from Solasta Skin. It was the best day and thanks so much to all of you who came along and celebrated with us!

I was then lucky enough to be able to take another short break in the summer and had the most beautiful time away visiting my dad's new home with my family in the Outer Hebrides where I got a chance to rest and recharge whilst enjoying all of island life.

Although I work long hours, I’m very much all about the balance. There’s nothing I love more than taking time out to spend with my family and friends but also to have some time to myself to unwind. This way I can give the best energy to my clients when they come to have a reflexology session with me.

September, we were delighted to have been a partner sponsor again this year for Chapelton Bike Ride for the second year in a row; with all proceeds going to north east sensory services which will help them to continue to provide to people in the north east living with sensory loss. This is a much-loved event by us, with our ABWR athlete Colleen completing the 46-mile course.

Over the course of this year, we have helped numerous charities and groups in their fundraising efforts which is something I’m very passionate about. Community and connection are at the heart of what we do at ABWR, and I look forward to helping more in 2024.

We also introduced our new team members Angela (Reiki Therapist), Claire (Sports Massage Therapist), & Heather (Swedish Massage Therapist). They have all fitted in so beautifully to the team and it’s been so wonderful to hear you all love them as much as I do, as well as see you book in regularly with them also.

October, I was lucky enough to get to meet Steven Bartlett when he was live at the Music Hall in Aberdeen! This was something that I’d been very excited about for some time, as again, like Roxie, I find him so inspirational.

It was fantastic to see him being interviewed and hear his story since he’s normally the one interviewing on his DOAC podcast. If you don’t listen already, I highly recommend that you do as his guests are incredible. I love the mix of wellness experts, alongside professional athletes and businesspeople. It’s always a great conversation.

November was my first wellness workshop in collaboration with Chapelton Community Association, after the earlier success of my talk with the over 60’s group they asked if I would do regular wellbeing workshops with them as part of their wellness objectives. It was a beautiful evening with the most wonderful women and I’m so looking forward to our next workshop in January!

December, we were delighted to be back at the “A Slow Living, A Christmas Conscious Market” for another year!  It’s always such a fabulous event and it was great to see so many clients come along on the day too, as well as meeting some new faces.

There are so many memorable moments in 2023 – too many to note! However, the best thing about the whole year is seeing the impact and improvement on my client's health and wellbeing. I’m so incredibly lucky to do a job I love and that brings me so much joy. My passion is in women’s wellness, and I’m dedicated to improving women’s long-term health in all areas of their wellbeing. Reflexology is such a powerful natural therapy in helping to do this. Clients can come to see me for range of issues, some just want an hour out to destress and calm their minds and bodies, for others it can be for more complex health issues. More and more women are looking for natural ways to support their hormonal health and it’s been so rewarding to see clients who have been struggling with hormonal issues become pregnant after several sessions with me.

It’s been so lovely to look back and see what’s been achieved throughout the year. In the days between Christmas and New Year, I always love to reflect on how the past year has gone, look inward and decide my goals and vision for the following year!  I love doing it during this quiet time in the holidays as I always feel my mind is much calmer and fuller of inspiration when I’m resting and recharging. Do you like to journal or plan your goals and vision for the year ahead like I do? I’d love to know.

I also would like to take this opportunity to personally thank each and every one of you who have supported me throughout this past year. I’ve been so blessed to have you all within my community & in my life.

Here’s to another year full of love, health and happiness.

Much love Shona xoxo

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