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News and views from the fascinating world of wellness & reflexology.

We hope you enjoy our blogs and that you find some support and inspiration for your own health & wellbeing as you are reading them.

Disclaimer: Any articles published by AB Wellness & Reflexology within our Touchpoint Blog Posts are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The advice in these articles is for information only and should not replace any medical care. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition or before trying any supplements, treatments, remedies or health - related programmes.


Women's Health

Mental Wellbeing, Self Care, Women's Health
Exploring Nutritional Therapy for Insomnia: A Holistic Approach to Better Sleep

In a world buzzing with activity and inundated with stressors, […]

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Self Care, Mental Wellbeing, Women's Health
The Importance Of Taking Time Out For Yourself

In today's busy world we are always on the go […]

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Mental Wellbeing, Women's Health
Gaining the Edge: Supporting the Body and Mind to Perform

Many of us enjoy training and playing sport, and whether […]

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Women's Health, Mental Wellbeing
Nurturing Hope and Finding Support After the Loss of a Baby

‘I’m sorry, there’s no heartbeat.’ A phrase no parent ever […]

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Women's Health
Nourishing Your Body Postpartum: Essential Nutrition Tips for New Mothers

Congratulations, new mama! As you embark on this incredible journey […]

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Women's Health, Mental Wellbeing
Valentine's Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide to Loving Yourself

As Valentine's Day approaches, there's often a flurry of excitement […]

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Women's Health
What It Really Means To Love And Look After Your Heart Health

The month of February is often associated with love, Valentine’s […]

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Women's Health, Yoga
Pilates in Pregnancy and Postnatal Recovery

As a Pilates instructor, I have had the privilege of […]

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Women's Health
Pre-Conception Care: A Guide to Optimising Your Journey to Parenthood

Fertility, reproduction, and all things baby related may feature in […]

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Women's Health
Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) and Me

I'm Katy, a qualified Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) therapist. I […]

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