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Modern Day Feng Shui

Hi! My name is Kimberley and I am often described as ‘The Modern Day Feng Shui Consultant’. I am This Morning’s Feng Shui Expert and I work with people and businesses all around the World to create the most peaceful, supportive and calm homes and workplaces that they could ever dream of. I know that’s a huge claim, but it completely changed my life for the better and I have helped so many men and women with their relationships, health, wealth and just to live a happier and easier life. I feel so blessed that I can call this my job!

Feng Shui is a practice that has been around for over 4000 years and has been used to increase wealth, health, abundance and prosperity. The Feng stands for water and the Shui stands for wind, so if you have good Feng Shui, it meant that you would have a good harvest, wealth, abundance and prosperity. In China, it is considered a sacred practice and is becoming more mainstream. In fact, many of the big banks have their own Feng Shui consultants who come into the office to make sure that the workspace is as balanced energetically as possible to allow for wealth, abundance and prosperity to grow!

Explaining and understanding Feng Shui can be difficult; you can’t see it but you can feel it. Have you ever had Acupuncture? This technique is used to release energy blocks by inserting needles into specific parts of the body, believing that the energy in your body will re-balance and flow as it should, to treat pain. We can’t see the energy in our body but we can feel it and we know when it needs to flow again.

Unfortunately, we aren’t quite as in tune with our homes as we are with our bodies, and perhaps you’ve never considered the fact that your house has a flow of energy. But have you ever been to someone’s house and you come away feeling completely drained? You can’t see the energy draining you, but you can feel it. Feng Shui is the home equivalent of Acupuncture and instead of needles, we use remedies to release the energy blocks in your home to allow the house to re-balance and flow as it should to create a home that supports you.

Once you are aware of some of the Feng Shui practices, you will notice them everywhere. The most commonly used one is flowing water, as it is believed that the flow of water when placed in a specific area, creates a flow of abundance and good energy. You can often find them in shopping centres, hotels, stately homes, mansions and airports. I bet you will see them everywhere now! Think of the fountains in Dubai and Las Vegas. They aren’t there just to look pretty!

Today I want to give you some really simple tips that you can use in your home, to help shift some of the negative energy, and most importantly welcome in the good energy!

Let’s start with how to get rid of bad energy. There are two ways of doing this and the easiest way is to open your back door every day as this is where the bad energy leaves the home. Just for a couple of minutes a day, stand with the door open and you will feel the tension in the room just disappear. You can even tell the bad energy to leave if you aren’t worried about what your neighbours think of you! Secondly, you can burn a candle or sage and walk around the home with it as this will literally burn off any negative energy that is hanging around. When you do this, make sure that the windows are open so that the energy can escape and just be careful moving a flame around your home!

Good energy enters through the front door so if you live in a house, think about what the pathway leading up to your house looks like. Is it clear or is it full of weeds and leaves? If the energy coming into your home has to sweep through dead plants, think about what type of energy is coming into your home. If you live in an apartment, what does your communal hallway look and feel like? I encourage you to open your front door every day to allow the good energy to enter, just for a minute or two and say out loud ‘I welcome in the good energy’.

Sometimes what is happening outside of your home is out of your control. You might have really noisy and annoying neighbours, you might have construction near your house, live near a busy road, a train line or under a flight path. All of these will negatively impact the quality of the energy entering your home. So, there are a few things that you can do to help stop this from entering your home. One would be to have a windchime above your entrance as this will deflect any bad energy that is trying to enter your home. Secondly, you could place a Tourmaline crystal at the entrance of your home as this will literally suck up all the bad energy that is trying to enter your home. Thirdly, if you prefer a more scientific method, you could use a bio-resonance device that works by changing the electromagnetic frequency of the energy around it.

The other way that energy enters our home is through our windows, so my first tip is to make sure that your windows are lovely and clean on the inside and on the outside so that the energy can flow into every room. Open the curtains every morning and let the light shine in, even in rooms that you don’t use and open the doors around the house so that the energy can flow around and reach every corner of every room. The whole point of Feng Shui is to bring energy and life into our homes. Plants can’t survive in rooms without natural light so we certainly can’t.

As the good energy moves around the home, its strength gets weaker with every barrier it has to pass. Whether that’s through doors and around corners, or past coats hanging near your entrance. The more clutter that is in the way of the good energy travelling through the house, the less well it is going to travel. Think of it in terms of good energy needing clear pathways around the house in order to be able to travel. That’s why having a good de-clutter is so important, and that includes your loft, garage and under the stairs!

I really hope that you can take some of my tips and implement them in your home. If you would like to know more about Feng Shui, I start right from the beginning in my Podcast, The Feng Shui Flow.

Kimberley is often described as ‘The Modern Day Feng Shui Consultant’ and is also the Feng Shui expert on ITV’s This Morning. She works with individuals and businesses worldwide to bring peace, calm and abundance to their lives using the ancient art of Feng Shui.

If you would like more information on how Feng Shui can help you sell your home, please visit my website for more ideas or contact me at admin@thefengshuiflow.com, or follow me on Instagram @thefengshuiflow

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