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My Morning Rituals

Since the clocks changed at the end of last month this has meant that our bodies are now naturally waking up earlier and so I wanted to share with you my morning rituals.

I love this time of year with the brighter mornings and lighter nights, as it’s so much easier to spring out of bed unlike those colder, darker, winter mornings.

Every morning I wake up naturally around 7am and find during spring & summer I don’t need to rely on my alarm clock as the natural sunlight wakens me up. Once a wake, I listen to a 5 minute guided meditation before getting out of bed. I do this so that I start my day off calmly and in the right frame of mind. (If you’re interested in trying out a guided meditation and not sure where to start @theheadplan app has a fantastic free 30 days of meditation with @julieskon who is a certified meditation teacher. Her voice is so beautiful and calming and it’s a lovely way to see if meditation is something you would enjoy).

I then go downstairs, pop on one of my favourite podcasts to listen to and pour myself a cold glass of water and add a slice of lemon to it. This is a great way for me to hydrate my body after a night's sleep, whilst kickstarting my digestive system at the same time.

It’s so refreshing to drink first thing and it also helps me to reach my daily hydration goals faster.

This is where I take my supplements for the day. It can change throughout the year depending on if I spot any deficiencies but I’m currently combining taking @theherbtender capsules & @betteryou_ltd sprays which are suited to my needs to support my own wellbeing.

Breakfast tends to be the same every morning as it means I know in advance it’s a healthy choice and I’m not having to think too much about it as I know I’ll be busy making decisions the rest of the day.

If I’m tight for time I grab a cold pressed juice from the fridge which I have ordered in advance from @the_juicing_co I order these in for the weeks I know I’m going to be at my busiest so I can grab it quickly and have it while I’m getting ready or take with me in the car if I’m really tight for time.

Often it’s my favourite @frombakerylane raspberry, white chocolate & almond granola which I top with a mixture of fresh berries and Greek yoghurt. It tastes amazing and feels so indulgent with the white chocolate but it’s such a healthy and nutritious way to start off my day.

I’m a big coffee lover so always have a strong cup first thing and love my Nespresso machine to give me that coffee shop feeling at home.

If I have more time in the morning I love nothing more than poached eggs on toast with avocado.

I never leave the house on an empty stomach (unlike my teenage years) unless I have a brunch or breakfast meeting already arranged. I believe its so important to nourish your body first thing so that your body is in balance. This is my most important ritual every day so that I feel healthy and fuelled before my busy day begins. It also lets me have half an hour to myself before I’m on the go so I’m taking care of myself each day.

After breakfast, I have my daily shower which I end with a couple of minutes of cold water therapy as studies have proven it’s great for boosting your mood, improving circulation and supporting immune system.

These morning rituals are a few things are a simple yet effective way for me to start my day off calmly, keep me fuelled for the day ahead, whilst nourishing my body and taking some time out for myself each morning.

I haven’t had to miss out on any of my sleep by trying to find an extra hour in each day to create a huge morning routine. I’ve just found what works for me and since it's all clicked into place I’ve felt so much more energy and it feels great!

The time I take out to do my 5 minute guided meditation used to be spent scrolling on social media and now that I stick to the same breakfasts every week it's already on my online shopping list and my supplements just get reordered when I’m running low. Even my cold water therapy doesn’t take an
extra time away from my day as I still spend the same amount of time in the shower as I used to I just use the last two minutes of it on the coldest setting instead of having it warm throughout.

I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about my morning rituals. Please just email me at shona@abwr.co.uk if you’d like to talk more after reading this blog or want to know any more information about my reflexology sessions.

Shona’s a clinical reflexologist who runs her own practice AB Wellness and Reflexology which is based in Chapelton, Aberdeenshire. Shona’s passion is in women’s wellness and she’s dedicated to improving women’s long-term health in all areas of their wellbeing, through her reflexology sessions. All of which are created to your own unique requirements. Shona’s fully insured and a full member of the Association of Reflexologists.

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