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The Benefits of Juicing

Hello! I’m Vanessa, founder of The Juicing Co. We offer raw, cold pressed juices and I am so happy you are here with us, and I would love to share some of the benefits of juicing.
Whether you are new to juicing, or it is part of your must have daily routine, we are here to support you on your health and healing journey.

Juicing isn’t a newfound fad like some believe it to be. It has been around for a long time now but as time progresses, juicing has become much more accessible and mainstream, and for good reason too because the benefits juicing can bring are just incredible! The benefits can include increased energy, clearer brighter skin, mental clarity, improved sleep and gut health with reduced bloating and healthy, regular bowel movements, helping to maintain a healthy weight. Juicing has so much to offer!

When we talk about ‘juice’ we refer to the fresh, naturally vitamin rich liquid that has been pressed from a variety of fruits and vegetables. The juicing process removes the insoluble fibre from the fresh produce giving us this beautiful, easy to drink and digest glorious juice. It is important to point out that the benefits from juicing come from raw, cold pressed juice – the raw part is crucial! You will find cold pressed juice in many supermarkets but these juices have been pasteurised to increase shelf life and therefore profitability. The pasteurisation process, whether that be HPP or heat treated, DOES damage the nutritional structure and kill all live enzymes within the juice. It is these live enzymes that are really going to make your body sing and provide you with all of the wonderful benefits. In reality, if your juice has a shelf life longer than 3-5 days, don’t bother drinking it as it has been pasteurised and you are effectively drinking dead sugar.
For the purpose of this blog, when we talk about the health benefits relating to juicing, we are referring to raw, cold pressed juice.

Juicing is entirely flexible and can fit into your diet whenever you need, perhaps you have found you’re struggling to eat your 5+ portions or fruit and vegetable a day, two juices a day and you will be smashing your daily intake! Perhaps you’re struggling with low energy and poor sleep. Try adding in a couple of raw, cold pressed juices in per day and watch the change as those live nutrients flood through your body, into your bloodstream and raise those energy levels. The pros to having the insoluble fibre removed (the bulky stuff) is that the nutrients can be absorbed by your body and bloodstream extremely quickly and efficiently, allowing you to feel changes very quickly – providing an almost caffeine like high. It is worth knowing that raw, cold pressed juice does however contain SOLUABLE fibre and this is the type of fibre that will make it to your gut and work as a prebiotic to feed your healthy gut bacteria. This will allow you to have a more balanced gut microbime. A healthy gut leads to a healthy body and mind, not to mention immune system as 70-80% of the immune system is based in the gut.

The beauty about juicing is there are no hard and fast rules about how and when you have to juice. To experience the most benefits, it is best to consume juice regularly, ideally as part of your daily diet. Some people enjoy a juice every day for breakfast or as a snack throughout the day, while others prefer to undertake a Juice Cleanse monthly / quarterly / seasonally. It really is about how it suits your lifestyle best. From personal experience, I know I feel at my best when I drink at least one juice each day. I find my body works smoother, my head is clearer and I’m in the right mental zone to nourish my body from the inside out.

Now, there are a number of ways the juicing process can happen. Firstly, you can use a centrifugal juicer, this is your lower end budget juicer, and a good starter machine as it will allow you to juice fruits and vegetables in seconds and prices start from as little as £20+. This is great for first time juicers if you want to try and make juice at home but don’t want to commit to a bigger spend. The down-side to these juicers is the fast speed in which the machine works creates friction, heat and oxygen all which damage the nutrient content of the produce and end juice. A juice made in a centrifugal juicer will often be quite foamy, can have quite a lot of bits in it, the juice will separate and oxidize in colour and should be drank with 1 hour of production.

Stepping up a level, we have slow or masticating juicers. These juicers are going to be more expensive to buy and are more time consuming, a good quality slow juicer is going to set you back approx £300+. Personally, my favorite brands are Hurom and Kuvings. These juicers crush the produce at a slower rate allowing you to retain a higher quantity of nutrients.

The Crème De La Crème of all juice is raw, cold pressed juice. This type of juice can only be made using a huge commercial hydraulic press. The fresh produce is first ground up to a wet pulp then pressed together using hundreds of pounds of pressure, creating a completely smooth, incredibly nutrient dense fresh juice which is rich in vitamins, minerals and live enzymes.
This is the machine we use to create all of our juices, ensuring you receive the best juice possible.

If you’re ready to welcome these benefits into your life would like to add in a juice to your daily diet, I would love to recommend our Fridge Filler Package which consists of 5 x 500ml juices + 3 x 60ml Tonic Shots of choice, or if you have been juicing for some time and are ready for deeper, more increased benefits, our 3 Day Cleanse could be the one for you. All of our packages are available to order via our website for collection or nationwide delivery.

Adding in raw, cold pressed juices to your daily diet can bring a wealth of health benefits, from improved sleep and gut health, increased energy, mental clarity and productivity and can help to maintain a healthy weight. These easy to digest and absorb juices act as nutrient infusion delivered direct to your cells, nourishing your body from the inside out on a cellular level.

I really hope this has given you an insight into the world of juicing and just some of the amazing benefits that can be had. Remember, we are always here if you have any questions or would like support with a certain health condition or ailment, please just reach out via email or on Facebook.

Vanessa is the Founder of The Juicing Co. and mum to 3 little ones with a passion for all things health and wellbeing.

E: vanessa@thejuicingcompany.co.uk
W: thejuicingcompany.co.uk
F: @thejuicingcouk
I: @the_juicing_co

Fridge Filler Pack
3 Day Cleanse

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