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What is Reiki?

Many people are familiar with hands-on healing techniques such as Reflexology and Massage but another ancient, therapeutic practice that has become more and more popular in recent years is that of energy healing, in particular, Reiki. So what is Reiki? Reiki is a gentle, safe, non-intrusive healing technique originating in Japan and it is based on a simple spiritual principle: We are all guided by the same invisible life force and it controls our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. It animates us. We are all aware of and able to connect with the subtle energies of others' or the energy of a place, we usually call it "a vibe." I'm sure you're familiar with the feelings of good and bad vibes! This is life force energy or prana, chi, and Ki in Japan - Rei (spiritually guided) KI (life force energy). Imagining this life force energy like a river flowing through our body, when our energy runs freely through the body and the energy centres (chakras) we feel more harmony, balance and at peace. We can connect to ourselves and others on a deeper level. We feel more expansive and open to life. When our energy is blocked or stagnant, often caused by stress, anxiety, overthinking and overdoing, we don't live to our full potential, we often feel depleted, disconnected and unsettled. Life can feel like an uphill battle. This is where Reiki and energy healing comes in. Reiki meets you exactly where you are, it can help to remove energy blocks, ease heaviness from your mind and body and assists your body's natural ability to heal itself, restoring a healthy flow of energy through your body. Reiki is a gentle and nurturing healing offering, and at the core of this beautiful gift is that it connects you back to your true self. A gentle sense of awakening, it reminds you that you are so much more than your "to do lists"!

So what happens in a typical Reiki session with me?

I like to offer my Reiki treatments as a ritual, creating a sacred space for you to truly relax, unwind and receive what you need most. We begin with connecting to breath, I will gently guide you to a deep state of rest with meditation, soothing scents and sounds. Then we ease into an intuitively guided Indian Head Massage to ease tension from your shoulders, neck and head allowing you to drop in deeper. I then lay healing crystals on and around you while channelling Reiki - placing my hands on and above your body to allow the energy to flow freely. We end with some cleansing breaths and some grounding before you leave feeling aligned, balanced and ready to face the world from a more centred place.

Some of the benefits people report having had Reiki are relaxation and stress relief, improved sleep and mood, more empowered, eased pain and discomfort and a general boosted quality of life. It is now also used within the NHS in certain areas of the UK, as a form of holistic support of conventional medicine when treating some cancers and other diseases.

For me, Reiki has always been about guiding people back to themselves, to connect back to their heart and the source of light and wisdom within. I would love to share this beautiful ritual with you.

The Rest Ritual

I believe we become our own healers when we have the opportunity to create stillness, slow down, connect to the present moment and connect to our heart.

This beautiful, candlelit offering combines the ancient healing rituals of Reiki, Indian head massage and crystal therapy to create a space for you to slow down, let go and receive what you need to deeply nourish mind, body and soul... to guide you back home to yourself.

Each ritual will begin with guided relaxation, grounding, connecting to your breath helping you unwind and begin to slip into a deep state of rest. A soothing, intuitive massage eases tension from your shoulders, neck and head. Focusing on the pressure points to help release any stress that may be held in your body and mind.

Healing crystals will be placed on and around your body while Reiki is channelled to help you to clear any blocked energy, restoring balance, and harmony within. Soothing scents and sounds are used throughout this ritual.

You will leave feeling rested, with a greater sense of clarity, and more at peace.

“You are worth the quiet moments, you are worth the deeper breaths, you are worth the time it takes to slow down, be still and rest”

Angela began @sageandremedyuk to bring together the healing power of Reiki, meditation, crystals and rituals and to offer information on how they can be incorporated into daily lives. She is qualified in Indian head massage, facials, a certified yoga teacher and Reiki master.

Angela will be providing her rest ritual treatments every Monday, £50 for 1:1 for an hour from ABWR - this hour-long treatment is uniquely created for ABWR clients with the calm & peaceful setting of Chapelton.

Book your appointment with Angela here.

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